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Hard Aspect Readings

In astrology, hard aspects such as squares (90° angles) and oppositions (180° angles) indicate areas of challenge, tension, and potential conflict in a person’s birth chart. When these aspects involve malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Pluto, they can amplify the intensity of the challenges faced by the individual

In these Hard Aspect Readings,  we take an honest look at your chart to find all the areas and patterns that you have, or that may cause challenges, difficulties, blocks, or pain in your life. with the goal to acknowledge  and face these challenges heads on.  These issues can go from being very sensitive to rejection, to having having a hot temper, to having escapist tendencies. They can also be major challenges that we may face, in career, relationships, family, or even health issues. All these challenges represent opportunities for growth and gaining mastery.  They are gifts and  uncovering the hidden gifts that lie within these challenges, empower you to create a life of purpose, resilience, and achievement.

If we look at the chart of the most extraordinary, and most talented individuals, they all have hard aspects. In many cases the hard aspect is the pathway toward their success if they can find a way to conquer and overcome that challenge. Just like wih any muscle resistence is needed in order to build it. That growth can be accomplished after much pain, trial, and error. Or we can look at our chart and identify these challenges and know how to consciously deal with these pattern. 

These challenges can be emotional, related to self-esteem, work related, education, family. It can be blocks to sexual expression, or beng exceedingly sensual.  It can be a conflict beween our intellect and emotions, or a conflict between our heart and intellect. These are all opportunities for refinement and mastery if we know where to look and how to do it.

So you understand, here’s a brief overview of how squares, oppositions, and malefic placements in a birth chart can manifest challenges and opportunities for growth

Squares: Squares occur when two planets are approximately 90 degrees apart. They represent internal conflicts, obstacles, and challenges that require effort and resolution. For example, a square between Mars and Saturn could indicate struggles with assertiveness and discipline, leading to frustration and delays in achieving goals. However, navigating these challenges can ultimately result in increased resilience, determination, and self-discipline.

Oppositions: Oppositions occur when two planets are approximately 180 degrees apart. They symbolize external conflicts, polarities, and tensions between different areas of life or personality traits. For instance, an opposition between Venus and Pluto could signify power struggles in relationships, issues with trust and intimacy, or a need to balance love and control. By confronting these tensions and finding a middle ground, individuals can experience profound personal growth and transformation.

Malefic Placements: Malefic planets include Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are often associated with challenges, hardship, and adversity in astrology. They respectively represent Force, Structure, and Transformation. When these planets are prominently placed in the birth chart or form hard aspects with other planets, they can indicate areas of struggle, pain, and difficulty. However, Force is Power, Obstacles are what is needed for Persistence and Resillience, and every ending or death is also a new beginning and birth. These malefics they also offer opportunities for resilience, strength, and profound inner growth. For example, Saturn’s presence in challenging aspects may signify periods of hardship, limitation, or self-doubt, but it can also engender discipline, maturity, and wisdom through perseverance and endurance.

In my astrology readings focusing on hard aspects and malefic placements, I analyze how you can harness the energy of these challenging configurations to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and tap into inner strength and potential for transformation.

By acknowledging and working with these difficult energies, you can navigate life’s challenges, including past traumas, and consciouly trasmute these energy with greater awareness and insight leading to your greatest empowerment.

As part of the process, it is extremely important to love and value every aspect of your personality, including what may cause you difficulties with other people or create problems. Because more often than not, these features are the path to your highest destiny and what makes you unique. It is important to love and value yourself, resisting external pressure to be someone else merely to please others, as that is the surest way to lose yourself. The goal is to do the opposite: to love yourself and refine the facets of your personality toward the highest, most balanced, healthiest, successful, and fulfilled version of yourself.

Every fear is courage. Every weakness is the perfect terrain for strenght. And every situation that makes us feel powerless is exactly what we need to empower us. No matter where and how you are, you are beautiful , worthy, and lovable just as your are. It’s the nradical acceptance and self love that creates the impulse to create life and relationships we deserve.

In my readings I look at all the areas of challenge. However I do not stop there, beyond a full inventory and bringing more awareness to these challenges and negative tendencies that you have faced, or will face I provide directions and a guideline on specific strategies, training, and lifestyle changes to address each one of these issues.

I invite you to book my reading, and be proactive  about facing these challenges. I believe 100% that our reality, and what is outside, is a reflection of our inner life, and the qualities that allows us to create a life worth living.  These readings and any form of self knowledge practce is the first step toward change comes from the inside, by becoming the person who wants to see, know, and is able to fix problems,  to reveal lthe hidden treasures of the life meant for you.

In astrology, hard aspects such as squares (90° angles) and oppositions (180° angles) indicate areas of challenge, tension, and potential conflict in a person’s birth chart. When these aspects involve malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, and Pluto, they can amplify the intensity of the challenges faced by the individual.

In the Hard Aspect Readings, we take an honest look at your chart to find all the areas and patterns that may cause challenges, difficulties, blocks, or pain in your life, with the goal of acknowledging and facing these challenges head-on. These issues can range from being very sensitive to rejection, to having a hot temper, to escapist tendencies. They can also be major challenges related to career, relationships, family, or even health issues. All these challenges represent opportunities for growth and mastery. They are gifts, and recovering the hidden treasure within these challenges empowers you to create a life of conscious purpose,  growth, meaning, and coherence.

If we look at the charts of the most extraordinary and talented individuals, they all have hard aspects. In many cases, the hard aspect is the pathway to their success if they can find a way to conquer and overcome that challenge. Just like with any muscle, resistance is needed to build it. That growth can be accomplished after much pain, trial, and error, or we can look at our chart and identify these challenges to consciously deal with these patterns.

These challenges can be emotional, related to self-esteem, work-related, educational, or family issues. They may be blocks to sexual expression or  hypersexuality. It could be a conflict between our intellect and emotions, or between our heart and intellect. These are all opportunities for refinement and mastery if we know where to look and how to handle the tension.

To provide clarity, here’s a brief overview of how squares, oppositions, and malefic placements in a birth chart can manifest challenges and opportunities for growth:

Squares: Squares occur when two planets are approximately 90 degrees apart. They represent internal conflicts, obstacles, and challenges that require effort and resolution. For example, a square between Mars and Saturn could indicate struggles with assertiveness and discipline, leading to frustration and delays in achieving goals. Ultimately, overcoming these challenges can ultimately result in increased resilience, determination, and self-knowledge.

Oppositions: Oppositions occur when two planets are approximately 180 degrees apart. They symbolize external conflicts, polarities, and tensions between different areas of life or personality traits. For instance, an opposition between Venus and Pluto could signify power struggles in relationships, issues with trust and intimacy, or a need to balance love and control. By confronting these tensions and reconciling them the native can experience interpersonal growth and transformation. 

Malefic Placements: Malefic planets, including Mars, Saturn, and Pluto, are often associated with challenges, hardship, and adversity in astrology. They represent Force, Structure, and Transformation, respectively. When these planets are prominently placed in the birth chart or form hard aspects with other planets, they can indicate areas of struggle, pain, and difficulty. Yet Force is Power, obstacles create the occasions to  develop persistence and resilience, and every ending or death leads to a new beginning and birth. These “malefics” and challenges are a vehicle for resilience, strength, and.  inner growth. For example, Saturn’s presence in challenging aspects may signify periods of hardship, limitation, or self-doubt, but it will if done correctly crete discipline, maturity, and wisdom through perseverance and endurance.

In my astrology readings, focusing on hard aspects and malefic placements, I analyze how you can harness the energy of these challenging configurations to overcome obstacles, and tap into your inner strength and potential for transformation, and not letting these hard aspects crush your spirit. 

By identifying and working with these difficult energies, you can navigate life’s challenges, including past traumas, and consciously transmute this energy with greater awareness and insight. 

As part of the process, it is extremely important to love and value every aspect of yourself, including what may cause you difficulties with others, or that you think cause failure,  or create problems in your life. More often than not, these features are the path to your highest destiny and make you unique. It is crucial to love and value yourself, resisting external pressure to change merely to please others, as that is the surest way to lose yourself. The goal is the opposite: to love yourself and refine the facets of your personality toward the highest, most balanced, healthy, successful, and fulfilled version of yourself.

Every fear is the occasion for courage. Every weakness is the perfect candidate for becoming strong. And every situation that makes us feel powerless is exactly what we need to rise in power us. No matter where or how you are in life, you are beautiful, worthy, and lovable just as you are. a It’s this radical acceptance and self-love that creates the impulse to becoming that conscious complete person,  the life you dream of,  and  have the relationships you deserve.

In my readings, I look at all areas of challenge. However, I do not stop there. inventory and bringing the challenges to your attention, I provide directions and guidelines on specific strategies, training, and lifestyle changes, including diet and practices to deal with these issues.

I invite you to book my reading and be proactive about facing these challenges. I believe 100% that our reality, and what is outside, is a reflection of our inner life and manifestation the qualities that allow us to created that life worth living, and that the self knowledge will give you essentail tools for growth.